Author’s checklist
- Page Path
- Author’s checklist
- ☐ Manuscripts in Microsoft Word documents
- ☐ Cover letter
- ☐ Title page including title, authors’ information comprising authors’ full name(s), affiliation(s), corresponding author’s e-mail and postal addresses, running title, word count, etc.
- ☐ Abstract up to 250 words in order of Background, Methods, Results, Conclusion.
- ☐ Keywords up to five from relevant MeSH (Medical Subject Headings).
- ☐ Up to 4,500 words for an Original article, up to 6,000 words for a Review, and up to 1,500 words for a Case report.
- ☐ The total number of figures and/or tables is limited to 7 for original article and to 2 for case report.
- ☐ The references in compliance with the JNN guidelines.
- ☐ Table is included in the main manuscript file as a Microsoft Word table.
- ☐ Acceptable figure formats are JPEG, TIFF, GIF, EPS, or PPT. Line art at least 600 dpi, and half tone or color figure at least 300 dpi.
- ☐ If the manuscript includes any previously published tables or figures, proof of permission from the copyright holder to republish a figure from any source is required.
- ☐ Copyright Transfer Agreement.
- ☐ Disclosure of Potential Conflicts of Interest.
- ☐ If case report, the written informed consent should be obtained from the patient or legal guardian. The copy of informed consent must be uploaded as supplementary file during the submission.